Daily mass Readings,

Daily Catholic Readings – June 28, 2024

Category: Daily Readings, Ordinary Time, Weekday Reading

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3 min read
First Reading 2 Kings 25:1-12
ResponseO let my tongue cleave to my palate if I remember you not!
Gospel Matthew 8:1-4

R/. O let my tongue cleave to my palate if I remember you not!\

By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat and wept,
remembering Sion;
on the poplars that grew there
we hung up our harps. R/.

For it was there that they asked us,
our captors, for songs,
our oppressors, for joy.
“Sing to us,” they said,
“one of Sion’s songs.” R/.

O how could we sing
the song of the Lord
on foreign soil?
If I forget you, Jerusalem,
let my right hand wither! R/.

O let my tongue
cleave to my palate
if I remember you not,
if I prize not Jerusalem
as the first of my joys. R/.

V/. Alleluia

R/. Alleluia

V/. Christ took our illnesses and bore our diseases.

R/. Alleluia.

When Jesus came down from the mountain, great crowds followed him. And behold, a leper came to him and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.” And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, “I will; be clean.” And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. And Jesus said to him, “See that you say nothing to anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a proof to them.”

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